Choose your fighter! There are too many conversations about which type of business card is better so let’s settle this once and for all. Brief recap before we start the battle. The discussion about paper or digital business cards is because apps like Beezlinq, HiHello, and Linq have created apps with phenomenal digital business features.
Some have argued that the exchange of business cards like many other practices should evolve with time, especially because it has shortcomings. Others have argued that paper business cards are sufficient and that digital business cards are solving a problem that does not necessarily exist. So, let’s go into battle. Choose your fighter now and at the end of this read, you will see who wins!
Digital Business Cards vs Paper Business Cards: Which is Better?
Card Update
Paper Business Cards
I heard a story about a printer missing a digit on someone’s business cards and they realized it after passing it out to a couple of people. They of course had to reprint in that situation. Chances that you can update your contact information on a paper business card are nonexistent. Using paper business cards means you have to reprint any time you change your role, number or location. It also means if you print in bulk, you are likely to lose money if you need to update such information.
Digital Business Cards
The ability to update your business card is a feature often used to sway the argument in favour of digital business cards. Digital business cards allow users to update their cards and make changes as needed. Supposing there is a change in your contact information or position, you can easily make that update without the cost of a reprint. The versatility of digital business cards also means you can update different cards for different roles or occupations.
I think we can give this round to digital business cards, what do you think?
Limited Information
Paper Business Cards
Paper business cards are often in a format where you can only include your name, company name, position, location and contact – email and phone number. This format, while limiting has done just fine for many.
Digital Business Cards
Digital business cards these days double as a networking tool. How? Take Beezlinq for instance, users can upload images, videos and documents to their business cards. The Beezlinq cards stop being business cards alone and become what the user makes them. A portfolio, a catalogue or a business profile. This elevates the card from just a business card to a mini portfolio.
Unlike physical business cards, digital business cards can be mini portfolios or catalogues. They can include links to your website, social media profiles, and even samples of your work. For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, you can include a link to your portfolio; if you’re a marketer, you can include case studies and testimonials. This lets you show more about your skills and makes it easier for potential clients or partners to see your value.
Digital business cards seem to have taken this round as well. Is there hope for physical business cards? Let’s find out.
Paper Business Cards
Now, I think this can go either way, but let’s keep battling it out, shall we? The argument against paper business cards is that there is a constant need to reprint them as cards could get lost, shared, or destroyed.
Digital Business Cards
Digital business cards, however, do not need to be reprinted as they are shared electronically. Now the other side of that argument is that digital business card apps have subscription costs that the users have to undertake, so does it really save money?
My personal opinion about that is that we are comparing extremes. Why? Many apps charge extra for Pro features. Now, not all digital business card apps may have free versions, but many others offer the necessary features in the free version.
Honestly, I think reprinting costs are bills you can definitely avoid and should avoid. Do we think digital business cards won this round?
Contact Management
Paper Business Cards
To really decide on the winner of this round, we must consider what problems people face in managing contacts and how business cards help alleviate or intensify these problems. A problem that has been found with paper business cards is how they are easy to lose or be destroyed. This eventually means the contact is lost too.
Digital Business Cards
Now with digital business cards, the physical cards can be scanned and saved directly to your contact list, or they can be saved in your digital e-wallet.
One business card may change your life, and digital business cards ensure you never lose it.
At the end of this battle, I think it’s obvious who the winner is but I’ll throw in a fifth reason just for a K.O. moment. The earth is dying and when discarded paper business cards contribute to that. Statistics show that about 100 billion paper business cards are produced annually. The insane part is that studies have shown that 88% of paper business cards are discarded within a week of being received.
Is this a flawless victory? I think so. It seems that paper business cards are outdated and, from what we can see, less efficient