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High Paying Tech Jobs: 7 Ways To Secure One Without Sweat

How to get a high paying tech job How to get a high paying tech job

Getting a tech job is the choice option for most Americans. A survey by CFO among Gen Z and millennials found that 70% of Gen Z and 52% of millennials were willing to job-switch to a tech job if the opportunity presented itself. The report affirmed that most people found the prospect of working active jobs in tech a better option than what they termed “redundant” jobs in their current sector. This is understandable, tech jobs give flexibility, high remuneration and activity, making it an attractive sector.

However, one thing that is not certain is getting a tech job. As much as tech jobs give these benefits, getting into the sector is considered by most, harder than passing through the eye of a needle. The fact that there is some sort of gap aiding the entry into the sector makes it further problematic.

To this end, this article will give a step-by-step synopsis on guiding a beginner to get a well-nuanced guide on joining the tech boom.

7 ways to get a high-paying tech job

Decide what you want to do

Pretty simple but man, lots of folks do not know what do to or what tech job/role to apply for. This is pretty prevalent among those without a tech degree considering pivoting. This is because the tech sector itself is a vast ocean on its own, having more than 24 industries with roles thrice that number that people can serve. One has to do due diligence in studying these jobs and industries along with their personalities to decide which is best for them.

Now, making the right choice here is all important as it is the pillar upon which everything else is built.

Take the learning route

Congratulations on deciding what to do, you are now ahead of most people in tech (No jokes). Now to the hard part – learning. I would like to tell you that learning tech is the valley of death. Many aspirations and dreams die here by the arrows of procrastination and laziness. Now, you might take any of the courses related to your chosen endeavor and head on with it.

This stage is no fluke, it takes sheer perseverance, discipline and commitment to complete the courses. Beyond watching these videos to the end, it is advised to fully commit to the learning.

At the end of each course, one is expected to earn a certificate. This is pivotal as most recruiters look out for certifications as they are not just proof of knowledge gained, but evidence of patience and discipline, a major recruitment factor.

Build Projects

Certifications are evidence you have completed a course. They are however not sufficient evidence to indicate learning has taken place. Building projects is the one certain way to convince the recruiter you did not fall asleep while your Udemy course was ongoing.

Building projects and housing them on your portfolio is sure to give you an edge in your tech journey….oh! Portfolios.

Resuming a portfolio

You need a resume and portfolio or both! A resume is a document showing your background, skills and relative experience to a job. A portfolio on the other hand displays your projects, case studies and technical abilities relative to the job. While a resume can be housed on a Microsoft Word document, a portfolio might be housed online due to size or length. These are necessary as they are the ultimate proof you have not only taken classes but have attained proficiency in the discipline.


“Your network is your net worth” might sound cliche till it is time to get a job in tech. This is beyond getting jobs and referrals, it is about getting seen and being visible to your target audience. You obviously need to join a networking platform. Many apps out there are made specially to aid your networking game. Out of this plethora, I recommend Beezlinq, an app that serves as a contact managing system, a digital business card maker, a virtual background creature as well as a portfolio housing system. With Beezlinq, you gain the best sides of all major networking platforms while getting saved from the noise and chaos they come with.

The value of your network really matters and Beezlinq ensures that your networking game is top-notch.


You need experience to clinch that dream jobin tech. Most recruiters would not give a job to a newbie without prior experience. This is where you have to be ingenious. You may explore options such as volunteering, applying for internships or freelancing. These would give you hands-on experience in addition to the corporate honing needed to land that job of yours.


Of course, you need to apply for these jobs. Having the necessary skills, certification, resume, portfolio and experience, you have to be on the lookout for tech jobs fitting your skillset and shooting at them. Spoiler alert: You’re gonna get a lot of rejection mails but don’t worry, that is part of the process.

Eventually, you will be called up for many interviews where hopefully, you get a call back and an employment letter. When that does not happen, drawback, restrategize and keep applying.


Opportunities abound in the tech sector. There are tech jobs and openings daily calling for suitable people like you and I with quite attractive remunerations to clinch them. Most people lack guides on going about these, it is thus necessary to require a comprehensive article that explains the job clinching processes and lists a guide for transition into tech.

Please note however that experiences differ and might fail to linearly follow the steps here. Also, these steps are not exhaustive, there are tons of guides to aid you secure a tech job and none is to be discarded. This list however stems from the most repetitive patterns of such career trajectories in tech, especially in the United States of America.

If you are confused about networking, job searches or networking, we are here at Beezlinq to guide you through the murky waters.


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