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Tech Jobs Your Personality Can Easily Succeed In

Tech-Jobs your personality can easily succeed in Tech-Jobs your personality can easily succeed in
Cheerful individuals in a work setting.

Your personality should significantly influence your choice of a tech career or tech job.  Quite a number of people have a problem with deciding what course to embark on regarding their choice of a career. This is a dilemma predominant among young ones intending to take a career in tech. Many of them are attracted by the numerous jobs and opportunities in tech. However, they remain flustered regarding the particular career choice that suits their personality. To this end, this article will address various personality types and their most suitable tech careers to guide those who fall in this category. Before then, it is important to rundown what tech means,


What’s really a tech job?

Well, technically speaking…

Tech is the same as technology (not that you need to know, though). This refers to jobs, activities and industries relating to the research, discovery and development of computing and electronic-based products and services. So whatever job or duty you do which falls under this category is tech. You are a programmer at NVIDIA, tech. You are a janitor at Samsung, tech (well, technically right?).

I have often come across several people who synonymize tech for coding or programming alone. Well, sorry to break it to you, that janitor at Samsung is as much a tech bro as you the (not so) senior software engineer. Tech is a wide ocean, programming might be a significant aspect but it does not make a forest.


Industries in the Tech(nology) sector

There is an entire ocean down there, trust me.

Across several sources on the internet, our team curated the following industries that fall into the tech sector:

  1. Software
  2. Telecommunications
  3. Cybersecurity
  4. E-commerce
  5. Entertainment
  6. Fintech
  7. Hardware
  8. IT Security
  9. Artificial intelligence
  10.  Asset Management
  11. Biotechnology
  12. Cloud computing
  13. Communications
  14. Management consulting
  15. Design
  16. Video game
  17. Insurance
  18. Logistics
  19. Manufacturing
  20. Clean technology
  21. Consumer electronics
  22. Information Technology
  23. Internet
  24. Ocean Technologies

People and personalities

Talking of Personalities

I have a thing for personality (disorders)…

Wikipedia gives us insight into what one’s personality is all about, defining personality as a collection of “interrelated behavioural, cognitive and emotional patterns that comprise a person’s unique adjustment to life. These are traits in different domains of human behaviour.

As the definition suggests, these dispositions vary and differ from person to person. It will be herculean to describe all human personalities. However, certain personalities are similar, which makes it easy to group similar personalities under the same banner. Such is the logic behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which groups personalities into 4 and a further 16. These personality dimensions are grouped as follows:

  1.   Analysts
  2.   Diplomats
  3.   Sentinels
  4.   Explorers


Architect: Imaginative and strategic thinkers with a plan for everything

Logician: Innovative inventor; insatiable thirst for knowledge

Commander: Imaginative, strong-willed, and always able to find a way

Debater: Smart and curious who cannot resist an intellectual challenge



Advocate: Quiet, inspiring, tireless idealist

Mediator: Poetic, kind and altruistic, eager to help a good cause

Protagonist: Charismatic and inspiring, able to mesmerize listeners

Campaigner: Enthusiastic, creative and free-spirited; always finds a reason to smile



 Logistician: Practical and fact-minded; reliable

Defender: Dedicated and warm protector; ready to defend their loved ones

Executive: Great at managing things or people, excellent administrators

Consul: Caring, social, popular with people; always eager to help



Virtuoso: Bold and practical experimenters

Adventurer: Flexible and charming artist; always looking for new experiences

Entrepreneur: Smart, energetic, and very perceptive; loves living on the edge

Entertainer: Spontaneous and enthusiastic; life of the party


Here, you can Take the MBTI Personality Test to see which of the listed personality types you fit into.


The Tech job your personality can  handle

So, based on the traits of these personalities, we have curated tech roles and jobs which fits each personality as identified above;


– Architect: Software Architect, Systems Architect, Technical Architect

– Logician: Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, AI Researcher

– Commander: Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Technical Lead  

– Debater: Software Developer, Computer Programmer, Security Researcher


– Advocate: User Experience Designer, Product Manager  

– Mediator: Front-End Developer, UI/UX Designer

– Protagonist: Solutions Architect, Technical Evangelist  

– Campaigner: Digital Marketing Specialist, Social Media Manager


– Logistician: Operations Manager, IT Support Specialist, System Administrator

– Defender: Cybersecurity Analyst, Information Security Specialist    

– Executive: Chief Technology Officer, IT Director, VP of Engineering

– Consul: Customer Success Manager, Technical Support Engineer


– Virtuoso: Game Developer, Creative Technologist

– Adventurer: Ethical Hacker, Penetration Tester   

– Entrepreneur: Founder or the CEO of a Tech Startup

– Entertainer: Video Creator, Content Creator, Social Media Influencer

This is just one potential mapping based on aligning the described personality traits with roles that may suit them. Of course, individuals can have a blend of traits and there can be exceptions. But this provides a general guideline for those looking to explore tech careers fitting their temperament.

Upwards from Here

“Where do we go from here?

With all the information we have provided, you should have a sense of direction regarding the next step in your tech career. If you have decided or are beginning to swing towards a tech role, here are 7 ways to secure your dream job outlined for you. Well, if you don’t, at least we did our best. Before we go, hear some insightful words from Steve Jobs: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” We will see you on the other side.

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